
Student Complaint Policy

American Truck Driving School is committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure their students have the opportunity to successfully complete their programs. The College has a commitment to ensure that within this
general framework all students are treated fairly and equitably. Students who do not support the academic and ethical goals of American Truck Driving School for themselves and their fellow students may be subject to
penalties, up to and including expulsion.

In general, American Truck Driving School will attempt to resolve a situation without expulsion. Verbal warning, written warnings and suspension may precede this final and most serious of actions. Where American
Truck Driving School deems the integrity, safety or well-being of the College, students, staff, clients, visitors and other guests is in danger then expulsion may be applied at the College’s discretion at any point in the process.

The following outlines the conditions under which a student may be expelled with a cause:
Academic Dishonesty

  • Students may be subject to expulsion at the discretion of American Truck Driving School for academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is any word, action or deed performed alone, or with others for the direct or indirect intention of providing an unfair advantage or benefit to self or other students (s) including:
    • cheating
    • plagiarism
    • unapproved collaboration
    • alteration of records
    • bribery
    • lying
    • misrepresentations
  • Outstanding Fees
    • Failure to pay overdue accounts owing to the college within the specified period may be grounds for
      expulsion after a written warning has been given.
  • Conduct
    • In the event of student misconduct, the issue will initially be dealt with between staff and the students. If such misconduct has the potential to result in physical harm to persons or property of American Truck Driving School, or the misconduct is repeated, the College may expel the student at their discretion.
    • Any student found under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or carrying a weapon, will be subject to immediate expulsion.
  • Omissions or Errors in Admissions Documentation
    • American Truck Driving School has a responsibility to ensure students have been admitted in accordance with the registration requirements for the program. Students who knowingly misrepresent their applications are subject to immediate expulsion.
  • Academic Failure
    • A student who fails to achieve the required academic standing in a program may be expelled from the program. The College may at its discretion offer alternatives to a student.
  • Attendance
    • A student who does not achieve the required attendance is subject to expulsion.

Harassment or Discrimination
American Truck Driving School does not condone harassment or discrimination of any student, staff, client or visitor to school premises. A student participating in harassing or discriminatory activities that are racial, sexual, or pertaining to sexual orientation in nature may be subject to immediate suspension or expulsion depending on the severity of the activity and pending an investigation.

Any student, who is deemed by the investigation to have engaged in harassing or discriminatory activities, may be expelled at the discretion of American Truck Driving School, depending on the severity of the activity.

Racial harassment includes bothering, threatening, or treating someone unfairly because of their race, colour, ancestry, birthplace, religious belief, ethnic background, citizenship, or language.

Sexual harassment includes bothering someone by saying or doing unwanted or unwelcome things of a sexual or gender-related nature including touching inappropriately, making offensive jokes about women and men, making
sexual suggestions or requests, staring at or making unwelcome comments about one’s body, displaying sexually offensive pictures, or being verbally abusive because of one’s gender.

Sexual orientation harassment means treating someone unequally because they are gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual, or living in a same-sex relationship. This could include making a hurtful comment or action to an
individual that is known or ought to be known to be unwelcome, making Homophobic jokes or hints about a person’s sexual orientation or same-sex partnership status, or displaying of disrespectful signs, caricatures,
cartoons or graffiti.

In determining what constitutes harassment or discrimination, The College will refer to the Ontario Human Rights Code. Students requiring more specific information may refer to the specific code as posted on the Provincial web site (http://www.ohrc.on.ca/english/code/index.shtml).

Misuse of College Property
Students who damage, misuse, steal or otherwise use the property in a way that is prohibited may be expelled and required to make restitution.

Endangerment of Staff or Students
The College is committed to the right of all College staff, students, clients and visitors to be safe. Students who by action or neglect in any way endanger the safety of themselves or others may be expelled.

Prior to expulsion, depending on the severity and nature of the situation, the College may take intermediate steps at its discretion including a. verbal warning b. written warning c. suspension d. expulsion.A student who is subject to expulsion for any reason will be notified in writing, either hand delivered or by registered mail with return receipt. The College is not responsible for non-delivery by registered mail if the student has not provided a valid home address where the student currently resides.

The notification will contain a description of the basis for expulsion and the effective date. Expelled students who dispute the facts of the expulsion and wish to appeal must appeal the decision in writing within one week
of the notification by following the college’s student complaint procedure provided to the student and by providing sufficient proof to support the complaint.

A Student whose expulsion is upheld after having followed the college’s student complaint and appeal procedure, may file a further appeal through the Complaints process of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, provided the students are attending a program approved under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.

If a student’s appeal is successful and he/she is eventually reinstated as part of the internal college or Ministry appeal processes, then the college will arrange for the student to make up the training time that he/she had missed since the date of expulsion specified in the written notification.

Settlement of a student’s account, for a student that has been expelled, will be completed under the College’s Fee Refund Policy, using the effective date of expulsion as the final day of attendance in their program of study.

Return of Property
A student who is expelled is responsible for the return of any College property in his/her own possession within 10 days of the expulsion and will be held financially responsible for any property not returned in good condition
or as outlined in the student contract.