
Student Complaint Policy

American Truck Driving School acknowledges the right of its students complain when dissatisfied with a service and encourages feedback from its students. American Truck Driving School views complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future, as well as a chance to put things right for the student who has made the complaint; American Truck Driving School tries not to be defensive or negative about feedback and complaints; and recognizes that properly handled complaints and feedback help the school
to improve its business processes, and therefore, time spent on handling complaints is an investment in better service to their students.


American Truck Driving School is committed to the prompt and equitable resolution of student conflict issues to the satisfaction of both the student and the College. The student complaint procedure is designed to provide students with both an informal and formal process whereby a student may request the review and resolution of a concern if satisfactory resolution has not been reached by way of the daily problemsolving activities between staff and students which, in most cases, result in immediate resolution. The
student has the right to present his/her case and be accompanied, at all times during the process, by an individual of his/her choice. In addition, the student can ask the individual who accompanies him/her to present the case on his/her behalf.


Students are encouraged to address any concerns immediately; please do not let a minor problem develop into a major one. Should you have any problems or concerns during your training period, we encourage you to discuss them promptly with the staff member directly involved.
If a complaint cannot be resolved the student will initiate American Truck Driving School’s official Student Complaint Procedure.
Student complaints must be made in writing to:

Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal – School
Administrator 4 Palmvalley Drive
Brampton, ON L6P 2V3

To start the complaint process a student must complete and sign an original Student Complaint Form, available from Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal, stating his/her concern and documenting the student’s desired resolution. The student must submit the original form and one signed copy to Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal, who will co-sign the forms in Part A, return the original to the student and keep the copy in the student’s academic file.

Then Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal will arrange to meet with the student within two business days of the date of the written complaint. If, as a result of that meeting, the student and Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal decide to implement a mutually agreed to complaint resolution plan, then that decision, the reason for the decision, and a description of the resolution plan must be recorded by Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal in Part B on the student’s original complaint form. The original form must be co-signed by the student and the staff member in subsection i) of Part B of the form. The original must be returned to the student and a copy must be filed in the student’s academic file. American Truck Driving School will make a decision regarding the complaint, wherever possible, within five business days of receiving the complaint, however, there may be circumstances when it takes longer to come to a decision.

If the student and Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal reach a mutually agreed to resolution as described above, then the plan must be implemented, and Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal must follow up to ensure the resolution plan satisfactorily resolves the concern.

Upon mutually satisfactory resolution of the student concern, Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal will meet with the student to close the concern and record in Part B of the original Student Complaint Form a confirmation that the concern has been satisfactorily resolved. The student and Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal will sign the declaration at the bottom of Part B. The original form will be given back to the student and a copy will be filed in the student’s academic file. A second copy will be filed in the Campus Student Complaint Binder and kept for 3 years.

Where a student concern has arisen that could not be resolved to the student’s satisfaction, through the formal procedure outlined above, the student may initiate an appeal. The student must complete and sign Part C (Request for a Review) of the original Student Complaint Form setting out the reasons why the formal procedure resolution was unsatisfactory. The student will again keep the original form and a copy will be submitted to the college Administrator.

Surinder Kaur Dhaliwal will form a Student Complaint Committee to investigate the student’s concern and meet with the student within two business days of the request for a review to discuss resolution. The committee will consist of a minimum of 3 people including a staff member, a student
representative, and the campus administrator.

The Committee will report to the student by completing and signing Part D of the Student Complaint Form within five business days of the conclusion of its resolution investigation process. The written report will include a summary of the investigation findings and the committee’s complaint resolution decision including the reasons for arriving at that decision.

The student will be given the original signed copy of the student complaint form. A copy of the student complaint form will be retained in the student’s academic file and a second copy will be placed in the Campus Student Complaint Binder, where it will remain for a minimum period of three years. American Truck Driving School will maintain this binder on site for possible annual inspections.

If the student is not satisfied with the college’s decision after the review process, he/she can file a complaint with the Superintendent of private career colleges, provided the student is attending a program approved under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.